Abstracts guideline​

All abstracts relevant to the congress theme or sub-themes should be written in English and not exceed 300 words, Police 12, Time New Roman, spacing 1.15.

 Author's contact details

The presenting author should be underlined and for all authors, contact and following information indicated:

  • Full first and family name(s)
  • Affiliation details: department, institution city, country
  • Email address principal author (receives the correspondence about the abstract)

Title:  Should be concise, accurate, and informative (in capital followed by lowercase letters)

Abstract content: Abstract must be submitted with the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methods/approach
  • Results
  • Conclusions/ recommendations
  • Keywords: 5 keywords maximum
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure (if any)

Abstract topic

Abstracts must be allocated to a specific sub-theme. The list of sub-themes can be found here

ST1: Adolescent and child nutrition

ST2: Nutrition before and during the first 1000 days

ST3: Micronutrient deficiencies

ST4: Double-burden of malnutrition

ST5: System approach to nutrition

ST6 Nutrition education and behaviour change

ST7: Nutrient and bioactive components of food

ST8: Food biotechnology, processing and safety

ST9: Innovative approaches in nutrition assessment

ST10: Geriatric and clinical nutrition

ST11: Nutrition policy and program

ST12: Food and nutrition governance

ST13: Food system and climate change

ST14: Nutrition budget and finance

Abstract submission

  • Abstract submission period: December 15, 2022 – April 30, 2023
  • Extended period submission: May 1 to 30, 2023
  • Late breaking abstract submission: October 1st to 7th, 2023